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This Community of practice will run from 21 October until 29 November

Stepping up the School-Industry collaboration in inGenious

This COP will cover 4 themes: 

• The inGenious code  - a practical guide for both schools and industry to set up  such collaborations with a specific focus on ethical, data protection and practical issues. More information is available through this link: the inGenious Code.

Disseminating science projects: How to better communicate the outcomes of STEM Education projects.

The inGenious competition -  inGenious Competition.

Connecting inGenious beyond the EU: focusing on research, development and outreach in STEM education in the US.

More exciting activities

For more exciting activities: Join the Teacher Community!

You can then participate in more communities of practice, online chats and many more inGenious events.

You will have access to the inGenious repository of practice that you can conduct in class.