What is inGenious?

inGenious is the European Coordinating Body in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education. It is a joint initiative launched by European Schoolnet and the European Roundtable of Industrialists (ERT) aiming to reinforce young European's interest in science education and careers and thus address anticipated future skills gaps within the European Union.

Through a strategic partnership between major industries and Ministries of Education, inGenious has the objective of increasing the links between science education and careers, by involving up to 1,000 classrooms throughout Europe.

With a grant of €8 million from the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme over a 3-year period, and the support of 42 partners from 20 countries, including seven major industries, inGenious is one of the largest and most strategic projects in science education undertaken in Europe. inGenious aims to increase young Europeans' interest in STEM education and careers, addressing two challenges: lack of interest in these subjects and future skills gaps.

All the actions undertaken in inGenious aim to improve the image of STEM careers among young people and encourage them to think about the wide range of interesting opportunities that STEM can bring to their lives in the future.

More information about us here

School map
Schools involved in inGenious pilots across the European Union and beyond
Pupils at Kytöpuiston (primary school) in Finland learn about technology and team building with Intel's Skoool Football activity
inGenious website

Visit ingenious-science.eu and keep up to date with the latest news about STEM education and careers.

Learn about the educational activities industry has developed to help pupils understand the world of work and hear from teachers who are piloting industry education activities.

Discover which organisations in your country are participating in inGenious and join the inGenious Teacher Community and Partner Community. Over the lifetime of inGenious a repository of good practice from all over Europe will be produced and shared with community members through the website.