Ambassador database - faq

1/ Who can become an Ambassador?

Anyone who has worked in industry for a minimum of five (5) years is welcome to become an Ambassador. We are looking mainly for people with technical, engineering etc. experience but other backgrounds will also be considered so feel free to register!

2/ Which is the difference between a Live and a Video Ambassador?

A Live Ambassador makes himself available to be contacted by schools/teachers which wish to engage him either to a school visit or an online call. On the contrary, a Video Ambassador has no interaction with schools/teachers but he adds to the gallery a video of himself talking about his background on any STEM related topic which might be of interest. This video can be accessed, used and viewed by anyone interested.

3/ I have registered as an Ambassador but I cannot find myself on the gallery. What am I doing wrong?

All submissions are going through moderation before becoming publicly available. Entries are usually moderated within 48h so if you cannot see your submission right away, rest assured that it will become available shortly.

4/ I need to edit my Ambassador profile but don't know how! What should I do?

From the home page click on “Add an Ambassador’s profile”. You will then be taken to your profile so from there click on “Click here to edit your profile”. Do not forget that all changed need to be saved by clicking on “Submit your profile”.