DGE is the Directorate-General for Education (Direção-Geral da Educação) of the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science. DGE’s specific remit is to make sure that national policies are implemented regarding the pedagogical and didactic components of pre-school, primary, lower and upper secondary education, as well as the provision of education for children not attending school. It gives technical support to their design and at the same time evaluates their implementation. It coordinates the exam planning activities. It also designs, organises and puts into practice prevention measures concerning risk, security and violence control in schools. A specific team within DGE is in charge of designing, developing and evaluating initiatives and projects related to the use of digital tools and resources in education. It fosters the effective use of computers and the Internet by all educational agents (students and teachers alike) and is a partner in several EUN projects, namely eTwinning, InSafe, iTEC, inGenious, Living Schools Lab, Creative Classrooms Lab, among others. http://dgidc.min-edu.pt Team Resources and Educational Technology http://erte.dge.mec.pt/ | ”inGenious has helped us realise how ICT contributes to improve learning and to identify needs in STEM policies by gathering together teachers, experts and industry representatives.” José Vítor Pedroso, Head of Project Department, Ministry of Education |