inGenious partners join the e-Skills Manifesto for the digital future of Europe

Intel, Microsoft and the European Center for Women and Technology, are among the inGenious Partners who have responded to the call to arms from the European Commission  (DG Enterprise and Industry) and contributed to the second edition of the e-Skills Manifesto.


The Manifesto focuses on IT competences as key to promote growth and innovation, and on the need to nurture e-skilled citizens in Europe to bridge the gap between constantly unfilled IT vacancies on one side and rising unemployment on the other.
In this publication you will find special introductions by Antonio Tajani, Vice-President of the European Commission, and Don Tapscott, author of the widely acclaimed book Wikinomics, and contributions from different stakeholders involved in the European e-Skills Week 2012 Campaign, including leading education institutions and global ICT companies who provided insights into the skills requirements today and tomorrow.
The Manifesto, recently launched in Brussels in conjuction with the Digital Agenda Assembly 2012, signals the continuous effort of the Campaign, jointly organised by European Schoolnet and DIGITALEUROPE, on ensuring that Europe’s youth are equipped with digital skills for jobs and for life.