
For information on the competition and who can participate, please read through these frequently asked questions.

Schools and competition

Schools and competition

  • My school is not in the EU, can I still participate in the inGenious competition?
    The competition is open to schools from all 28 EU Member States, Israel and Turkey. If you country is not included in this list, then you may not participate in the competition; however, you may use materials and resources from the inGenious website for your own projects.

  • Can more than one teacher/class per school participate?
    Yes. If one teacher is leading activities, please indicate the names of assistant teachers in the appropriate field 'teacher names' in the submission form (Personal details).
    If several teachers from the same school are conducting different activities, we suggest that they submit entries separately.

  • I attend a technical or vocational school, can I still participate in the competition?
    Yes. All types of schools (specialist, vocational, technical or otherwise) up until the end of secondary education are eligible to apply.

  • My organisation works closely with schools running after hour activities. Can they also participate?
    No. Only teachers on behalf of a classroom/school are allowed to participate. However, teachers engaged in extracurricular activities are encouraged to enter.

  • Can we participate in other national or European competitions with the same entry?
    Yes, as long as activities are developed and implemented within the school year 2013/2014, from 01 September, 2013 to 31 January, 2014. Past initiatives that have been carried out and finalised before September 2013 will not be considered.
    Please always check the guidelines of the other competition to make sure that they also don’t have a problem with this.