Acer Foundation launches first annual Acer Incredible Green Contest 2012-2013

Taipei, June 4, 2012 – Acer Foundation today kicked off the first annual Acer Incredible Green Contest to promote better and greener living environment. The competition is open to students at all level worldwide to create innovative and sustainable solutions. Finalist teams will be selected to compete for Grand Prize of US$60,000 and provided with complementary trip to Taipei for COMPUTEX 2013.

“Acer Foundation is proud of being the organizer of The Incredible Green Contest to enhance awareness and understanding of caring for a greener environment, and we are excited to see innovative approaches to sustaining our environment” said Richard Lai, Director of Acer Foundation.

The deadline to register is October 31th, 2012. From the pool of competing entries, Acer Foundation will select up to twelve finalists. Submitted entries will be evaluated by a panel of experts based on essential factors of earth friendliness, reality friendliness and innovation friendliness.

For more information, please click here.