As an integral part of each newsletter, inGenious looks at various aspects concerning the development of STEM across Europe. Different focus areas have been launched to better understand the impact and meaning of STEM education.
Did you know
Did you know focuses on an interesting news article about an important contribution to STEM education across Europe. Discover what's going on and find out about past and future events!
Practice deep dive
Practice Deep Dive takes a close look at what inGenious partners are doing to actively contribute to the success and integration of STEM activities in classrooms. These practices help teachers establish a link between education and industry, to better address upcoming needs of job markets.
My job explained
Have you ever wondered what it's like to work for a STEM industry company? Job descriptions seldom provide the entire picture. Listen to what real people have to say about their daily work. My job explained asks the questions you want answers to.
Country Focus
Situations are different from one country to another. These differences can act both as examples of best practice or to mark upcoming challenges that lay ahead. Country focus takes an in-depth view to explore the various facets of STEM in a particular country.
Teacher of the month
inGenious would not be possible without the devoted contribution and involvement of pilot schools, led by motivated teachers. Teacher of the month interviews teachers from different countries to see what they are doing to keep up the momentum.