Kodu – A great start to Computing

Kodu is a visual programming language made specifically for creating games. It is designed to be accessible for children as young as 6 year olds and enjoyable for anyone.

Kodu is a great start to computing in your school as it is available for free and supported by a wide range of resources and communities online: www.pil-network.com, www.kodugamelab.com, www.planetkodu.com

Kodu is easily integrated throughout the curriculum, with strong links to numeracy and literacy, as well as science, maths and geography. The User Interface is easy to use and visually attractive especially to primary phase pupils and the ‘code’ syntax is simple, intuitive, yet allowing a high degree of computational thinking and programming fundamentals.

Kodu has been developed by Microsoft Research, and runs on PC and Xbox. 

Ready to give it a try? 

The first Kodu Kup Europe is open to 8 countries: Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Lithuania, Norway, Portugal, and UK. Applications are now open to schools from BelgiumFinland, GreeceEstonia and Lithuania.

DEADLINE: 15 September 2014

One finalist team per country will be invited to the Microsoft Center in Brussels to attend:

  • A two-day European Coding Camp on October 13-14, 2014. TheMicrosoft Innovation Center Brussels will organize a programme of interactive digital trainings to develop coding expertise and computational thinking as a reward for the national finalists of Kodu Kup Europe. During this camp, pupils will further their knowledge through coding challenges, problem solving using computer science, eSkills trainings alongside pitching and teamwork skills to prepare the national finalists of Kodu Kup Europe for their presentation to the judging panel at the European Kodu Kup Final.
  • The Kodu Kup Europe Final on October 15, 2014. This European coding competition will bring together the 8 winning national teams to battle it out in a dragons den style - each national team will pitch their winning game that they have developed through Microsoft Kodu Game Lab.

Both these events are aligned with the Europe Code Week initiative.

Join the competition now, start playing with coding and have fun with your class!

Learn more here: www.kodukup-europe.org

Follow #kodukup_eu for all updates and news.