La Caixa Foundation

“la Caixa” Foundation is the first private foundation in Spain and the second in Europe in expenditure and works in the areas of social welfare projects, education, science, environment, research and the dissemination of culture.

“la Caixa” was founded more than a century ago with the purpose of bettering people’s lives. To this end, it focused on attending to people’s needs through two lines of action: on the one hand, by responding to citizens’ financial demands and, on the other, by helping to eradicate the most crippling social problems. Today, the Foundation remains true to its core values and now, a century later, these are more relevant than ever.

Needy families, the elderly and vulnerable, young people, immigrants and those who live at risk of labour or social exclusion, are only some of the groups that benefit from the community action taken by “la Caixa”. Facilitating access to culture to public of all ages, helping young people obtain a good education, fostering research and protecting the environment are other major lines of action into which it channels its efforts.

As investing in education is investing in the future, “la Caixa” Foundation provides society with the means to improve access to education and training for new generations. These proposals take the shape of an extensive and wide range of programmes, actions and offers of educational opportunities. All aim to help improve the training of schoolchildren and young people, without ignoring adults and the elderly. These educational proposals are designed to help users further their knowledge but also aim to enhance their personal development by helping them to acquire values.

In 2011, the Welfare Projects educational programme underwent a substantial change with the creation of eduCaixa. This is an educational instrument that concentrates and channels all the pedagogical proposals offered by ”la Caixa”, proposals that run through all the Welfare Projects programmes in which there is some didactic action or aim. eduCaixa is a global instrument aimed at the educational community as a whole: pupils, teachers and parent-teacher associations.

“The Foundation is involved in inGenious guided by the principles of educational and social development and the opportunities that this project creates in these areas. As inGenious provides a platform to share experiences related with STEM education, our expectations about this collaboration are focused on taking an active part in this project. We consider inGenious an excellent opportunity to open to other educational experiences beyond our borders.”

Javier Hidalgo Gil,
Department of Science, Research and Environment, “la Caixa” Foundation

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