Research reports The effort undertaken by the inGenious project is based on an extensive body of knowledge. Academia, experts and businesses have demonstrated the importance of investing in STEM education to reduce the future skills gap in the labour market. Below are some of the most relevant research papers, books, and other types of publication on STEM education. References Armstrong Patrick Ian, CrombieGail Compromises in adolescents' occupational aspirations and expectations from grades 8 to 10 Journal of Vocational Behavior, Volume 56, Issue 1, February 2000, Pages 82–98. (en) Bandura Albert, Barbaranelli Claudio, Caprara Gian Vittorio, & Pastorelli Concetta Self-Efficacy Beliefs as Shapers of Children's Aspirations and Career Trajectories Child Development, Volume 72, Issue 1, pages 187–206, January/February 2001. (en) Why not opt for a career in Science and Technology? An analysis of potentially valid reasons (436 KB) European Journal of Engineering Education,, This was paper 131, presented at the SEFI 37th Annual Conference, Rotterdam, July 1-3, 2009. (en) Why don't young people want to become engineers? Rational reasons for disappointing decisions European Journal of Engineering Education, Volume 35, Issue 4, 2010 / Special Issue: Best papers from the SEFI 37th Annual Conference, 2009. (en) Viewpoints of higher education teachers about technologies International Journal of Technology and Design Education, July 2008, Volume 18, Issue 3, pp 285-305. (en) Cochran Daria B, Wang Eugene W, Stevenson Sarah J, Johnson Leah E, & Crews Charles Adolescent occupational aspirations: Test of gottfredson's theory of circumscription and compromise National Career Development Association, Article first published online: 23 DEC 2011 / DOI: 10.1002/j.2161-0045.2011.tb00968.x. (en) Cook Ellen P., Heppner Mary J., & O'Brien Karen M. Career Development of Women of Color and White Women: Assumptions, Conceptualization, and Interventions From an Ecological Perspective The Career Development Quarterly, Volume 50, Issue 4, pages 291–305, June 2002. (en) ERT Societal Changes Working Group, chaired by Leif Johansson Mathematics, Science & Technology Education Report, the Case for a European Coordinating Body (6,404 KB) Mathematics, Science & Technology Education Report, August 2009. (en) Europe needs more scientists: Report by the high level group on increasing human resources for science and technology in Europe Council of the European Union, Presidency conclusions of the Brussels European Council (20 and 21 March 2003). (en) Members of the HLG, Chaired by Prof. José Mariano Gago Increasing Human Resources for Science and Technology in Europe, Report by the High Level Group on Increasing Human Resources for Science and Technology in Europe 2004 (3,500 KB) RTD info, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities / 2004 — 187 p. / ISBN 92-894-8458-6. (en) Communication from the Commission to the Spring European Council Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Jobs (2008-2010) (244 KB) Commission of the European CommunitiesBrussels, 11.12.2007, COM(2007) 803 final, Part V. (en) Human resources in science and technology European Commission Eurostat - statistics explained, Data from November 2011. (en) Fenichel Marilyn & Schweingruber Heidi A. Surrounded by Science: Learning Science in Informal Environments National Research Council Marilyn Fenichel and Heidi A. Schweingruber. (en) Social Class and the Comprehensive School, Volume 233 Social class and the comprehensive school The International Library of Sociology. (en)
Work and Vocational Psychology: Theory, Research, and Applications Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 58: 543-564 (Volume publication date January 2007). (en) Fouad Nadya A, & Byars-Winston Angela M. Cultural Context of Career Choice: Meta-Analysis of Race/Ethnicity Differences The Career Development Quarterly Volume 53, Issue 3, pages 223–233, March 2005. (en) Europe needs more scientists (53 KB) Contribution to the EC Conference Increasing Human Resources for Science and Technology, Brussels, 2 April 2004. (en) Making vocational choices. A theory of vocational personalities and work environments. Psychological Assesment Resources, 1997 - Business & Economics - 303 pages. (en) Kesidou Sofia & Roseman Jo Ellen How well do middle school science programs measure up? findings from project 2061's curriculum review. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Volume 39, Issue 6, pages 522–549, August 2002. (en) Kisner Mary J, Mazza Maralyn J. & Liggett David R. Building partnerships New Directions for Community Colleges, Volume 1997, Issue 97, pages 23–28, Spring 1997. (en) Lent Robert W, Brown Steven D. & Hackett Gail Toward a unifying social cognitive theory of career and academic interest, choice, and performance Journal of Vocational Behavior, Volume 45, Issue 1, August 1994, Pages 79–122. (en) Factors that influence persistence in science and engineering career aspirations The Career Development Quarterly, Volume 51, Issue 3, pages 234–243, March 2003. (en) The Development of Occupational Sex‐role Stereotypes, Occupational Preferences and Academic Subject Preferences in Children at Ages 8, 12 and 16 Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, Volume 19, Issue 1, 1999. (en) Encouraging student interest in science and technology studies OECD Publishing, 28 Nov 2008 - 132 pages. (No e-book available) PENCIL: Permanent EuropeaN resource Centre for Informal Learning (213 KB) Pencil D28 Criteria of Innovation & Quality. (en) Teaching for transfer Educational Leadership, v46 n1 p22-32 Sep 1988. Putila Pirjo & Miettinen Kirsti Ensuring Future Potential and improving Gender Balance in the Engineering Education in Finland (91 KB) SEFI 2004 Annual Congress. The Golden Opportunity for Engineering Education, Helsinki. (en) Life designing: A paradigm for career construction in the 21st century The theory and practice of career construction., ML Savickas, SD Brown, RW Lent (en), Career development and counseling: Putting theory and research to work, Steven D. Brown, Robert W. Lent (en). Singha Romila & Greenhausb Jeffrey H. The relation between career decision-making strategies and person–job fit: A study of job changers Journal of Vocational Behavior, Volume 64, Issue 1, February 2004, Pages 198–221. (en) Estudi sobre la revaloritzacion dels estudis d'enginyeria (293 KB) Associació d’Amics de la UPC, Desembre de 2008. (es) School-Industry Cooperation in France (767 KB) European Schoolnet publications, 2013 - Industry & Education - 37 pages. (en) Career counseling: applied concepts of life planning Brooks/Cole-Thomson Learning, 2002 - Business & Economics - 668 pages. (en)
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